Windows 7 (& Vista ?) : Logitech's MX5500's unread mail counter stuck at 17 !??

Ok, solved it under Windows 7 (and I guess Vista).

Since Win XP Microsoft moved the registry key. Look under:

HKEY_USERS/Sxxxxxxx (some string of Hex numbers)/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/UnreadMail

You will find there mail accounts you have ever used/visited.

In my case my hotmail account popped up there and my regular mail account with my provider.

Make sure the MessageCount key is set to 0 for your hotmail account. I checked by logging to hotmail and deleting
lots of mails but the counter didn't decrease or was reset to zero. To make sure it never causes problems again add
the following DWORD (32-bits) equal to 0.


This prevents the message count for Hotmail if never becomes non zero again to be added to the total mail count.

I can confirm that Thunderbird works with this registry key and the LCD indicator.


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